Sunday, 27 January 2013

Sunday Zine Review #66: Mr. Spoqui #39

Mr. Spoqui can be now considered a regular here on the Sunday Zine Review. It's always great when the Baeza siblings send me the latest issue of their zine because it really puts me in a good mood.

For those of you who are new to the Sunday Zine Review, have a look a the previous reviews and an interview with one of Mr. Spoqui's creators here.

Mr. Spoqui is one of the zines I like to keep in my bag and carry with me everywhere. Even if it's a zine you could finish reading in probably less than 30min, I always like to take it with me and enjoy it throughout a week. I read one of the short comics on the bus to work or one of the texts just before going to bed - I believe that's the way Mr. Spoqui should be enjoyed!

Issue #39 is dedicated to magic and, as always, the zine is packed with great photographs, comics and text around the topic. Each of the Baeza siblings and some new contributors have collaborated to create a very special issue where some of the best magic secrets are revealed!

If you're interested in this issue, make sure you visit Mr. Spoqui website to find out more about it and get yourself a copy to start building your Mr. Spoqui collection!!

*You can check all the previous reviews here. If you want to get your zine reviewed, leave a comment below or drop me a message to*

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